Bia-Pox – Solvent Free Epoxy Floor Coating (Orange Peel Patterned)

It is a solvent-free epoxy resin-based, two-component, reaction-drying, orange peel pattern, top coat floor coating.

It is used on durable floors in operating rooms, textile factories, food facilities laboratories, power plants, garages, laundries, warehouses, parking lots, repair, maintenance and washing units, walkways, bathrooms and where chemical and mechanical resistance is required.


• It gives an orange peel pattern to the floor.
• It has high chemical and mechanical resistance.
• It is resistant to atmospheric conditions and pollution, friction and impacts.
• Its color does not fade, does not crack, swell or shed.
• Easy to apply thanks to its high spreading power on the surface, saving time and labor.
• Gives medium degree of non-slip to the surface.
• The applied surface is easy to clean.

• Surfaces on which Bia-Pox Solvent Free Epoxy Orange Peel Patterned Floor Coating will be applied; It should be clean and dry, free from all kinds of dirt, oil and dust, old paint residues.
• Cracks should be repaired with epoxy putty. It should be mixed together with solvent-free paint and hardener and applied after it is homogenized.
• Before starting the application, the floor is mixed with Bia-Pox Solvent Free Epoxy Floor Coating Primer at a ratio of 1: 1 with 50-250 micron gronulometric quartz sand and applied to the floor.
• While the primer layer is still fresh, 0.2-0.7 mm granulometric quartz sand is sprinkled on it by sprinkling. After 24 hours, unadhered excess sand is removed from the surface with a vacuum cleaner. Bia-Pox Solvent Free Epoxy Orange Peel Patterned Floor Coating is applied on it with a roller.
• The material to be applied should be applied to the floor with a special patterned roller.
• During application, care should be taken that the surface and ambient temperature is between +5ºC minimum and +30ºC at most. There should be no excessive wind and air flow in the application environment.
• The use of the material should be done in about 50 minutes.


COLOR: White